Автор(ы): Andrew Fischer
===================================================================== Half-Life Map Spec Sheet ===================================================================== ------General Information--------------------------------------------
Title :RC_Sandcrab Filename :RC_sandcrab.bsp Author :Andrew Fischer Home page : Description :This map was originally not made with intent to release, but rather was "manufactured" over a course of 2-3 hours right before a 3 player lan game. The map is made with the small lan in mind and is laid out as a small arena divided by a medium sized building. There are covered hallways lining the edges of the map and one sniper tower from which most of the field is visible. Weapons are very abundant but there is no egon. The gimmick of the map, and the reason for its name, is the one pesky inhabitant you will find if you set mp_allowmonsters to 1. The crab, doing only 1 damage per hit, is just to cause confusing and embarrassing death so i recommend allowing the little bastard in the game.
Map was originally made for Opposing Force and then converted for valve, and then re-released for Rocket Crowbar.
Previous Maps : Hacienda, Marble Garden, Moonside, Forgotten Capital, Generic Brand
------Credits and Thanks--------------------------------------------- Valve ERC for denoobing me
GlobalAssault.com and Juim of Hotdeathdiner.com for giving me fair and prompt reviews.
------Play Information-----------------------------------------------
Deathmatch :yes Single Player :no Map Description :medium-small, simple arena How Many Players:2-6
------Map Information------------------------------------------------
New Textures :a few New Sounds :none
Base :none Editor(s) used :WC 3.3, Hammer 3.4 Compiler :Toolbox w/ Zoner's Tools 2.5.3. Compile Machine :Athlon XP1800, 256mb DDR, WinXP Pro Compile time :about 4 minutes
------Map Instructions-----------------------------------------------
Unzip the files in this archive. Place the map, "op4_sandcrab.bsp" in your half-life/gearbox/maps and place "sandcrab.bsp" in your half-life/valve/maps directory. Set mp_allowmonsters to 1 and restart the map if you want the crab to roam.
------Additional Info------------------------------------------------
This template is available at The radium Half-Life Map Center... http://www.planethalflife.com/radium
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!.
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.
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Время: 07:19
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